This is a blog about Norway, Vikings, Norwegian culture, history, travel, language, crafts, food, tradition, sites to see, places to go etc. Also about other interesting places, cultures and languages.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A nice stole through Oslo - a rout few tourists get to see

The other day I went for a walk through Oslo to take some pictures and make videos for my blog.
So now I'm taking you with me on that walk.
I got off the subway at Nationaltheatret, and walked along that old building.
Then I crossed Karl Johans gate and over to the University. 


View up Karl Johans Gate towards the king's castle.

View down Karl Johans gate.
 Crossed Universitetsplassen, and passed the statue of Fridtjof Nansen and up Universitetsgata.
Fridtjof Nansen 
  I walked by Nasjonalgalleriet and up to St. Olavs Plass.

St. Olavs plass

Scandic St. Olav / Edderkoppen Scene
 There you can see the Scandic Hotel and Edderkoppen Scene.
From there I walked up towards St. Olav’s Cathedral (there is another article about that), and on my way I passed Kunstindustrimuseet and Oslo Reptilpark (yes, it’s a reptile park).

Kunstindustrimuseet... I'm wondering how to translate that... Perhaps: Museum of industrial art?

St. Olav's Cathedral
 I wanted to take some pictures inside the cathedral, but had to wait, because there was a funeral that just started. So I continued up Akersveien, where you find St. Sunniva Primary School, St. Josephs Institutt,
St. Olav’s bookshop and the Roman Catholic Diocese.
St. Sunniva's Primary School

St. Joseph's Institute


St. Olav's Bookshop

Roman Catholic Diocese
 Further up you come to Damstredet, with its quaint old houses and crooked allies, a spot very few people know about, and you certainly won’t find it in any tourist guide. To the left you have Our Savior’s Cemetery (there is also an article on that, the celebrities that are buried there etc.).


When I was done filming and taking pictures at the cemetery, I walked back to the cathedral, took some pictures and filmed a bit. I may not be a good film maker, but I’m learning.
Thanks to Google Maps, I can show you the rout I took up to Damstredet

The Trinity Church

 After that, I walked down Akersgata and passed Trefoldighetskirken (The Trinity Church)...

The Trinity Church
 ...and Regjeringskvartalet, where the government used to be seated until  A.B. Breivik blew it up on the 22nd of July 2011. Not much to see there now, really.

The old government building
 Anyway… Akersgata is known for its newspapers.

 There is also a theater called Centralteatret.

View up Grensen
 Then I crossed Grensen...
View down Grensen
 ...and walked into Lillegrensen...
 … passed a souvenir shop…
Souvenir shop in Lillegrensen

They sell lots of stuff that will remind you of Norway

And of course trolls are on the menu
  ... continued past the statue of Christian Krohg, where I nearly got beaten up by a fellow who thought I was taking pictures of him. Well, I wasn't. And if he was worried about that, he could have just moved instead of getting angry. He got a high blood pressure, and I didn't care.
Christian Krohg - a painter, author and journalist, that even has a street in Oslo named after him

 Then I was down at Stortinget, the Norwegian Parliament.
Stortinget - The Parliament

Up through Studenterlunden, and Eidsvoll plass, also called Spikersuppa (Soup of Nails). Why? Well, it was built in 1956 and paid for by Christiania Spikerverk (the nail factory). I think you can figure it out…
Then I was back at Nationaltheatret.
Main entance of Nationaltheatret
 I hope you enjoyed the walk. I know I did.
The rout I took back (Again, thanks to Google Maps)

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