This is a blog about Norway, Vikings, Norwegian culture, history, travel, language, crafts, food, tradition, sites to see, places to go etc. Also about other interesting places, cultures and languages.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Online talks on Norway - keep yourself informed

Online talks

At least once a week, we will do an online talk on Norway, it’s culture, history, language, food, crafts, Vikings, sightseeing, where to go, what to do, how to get there etc. Yes, similar to the blog, but not the same.

As a participant, you can ask questions, get links, share your story or hear what others have experienced. We will show pictures, videos and try our best to get you the information you want.
Of course, we would like to get ideas on what to talk about, so that you can hear about what interests you.

To find out what our next talk is about, check out our website: Crazy Lemontree.

On this blog we will also updated on upcoming festivals and events in Norway. So if you want to keep yourself informed about our lovely country, subscribe to out blog.

Have a great day!

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